Rittal SK 3301600 Kondensatauffang- flasche Univ. f.Schaltschrankkühlgehäuse

Durchmesser des Abflusses mm

Kondensatauffangflasche, Lieferumfang: Kondensatauffangflasche, Flaschenhalterung, Inkl. Befestigungszubehör, Zur Montage am Schaltschrank. Verwendbar für alle Schaltschrank-Kühlgeräte und Luft/Wasser-Wärmetauscher. Seitlicher Sicherheitsüberlauf. Fassungsvermögen ca. 0,75 l. in the rack, the IT rack is to befitted with the air baffle plates which are available as accessories soas to form a &quot,funnel&quot, towards the rear and in this way to guarantee 100%heat transfer via the heat pipe, even distribution of the heat lossesand thus full exploitation of the heat exchanger surface. The unit ismounted at the rear on 600 mm wide IT racks with fixings on one side.With its external frame construction, the heat exchanger does not occupyspace in the rack - the full server rack is thus available for the ITequipment. Thanks to the high-performance heat exchanger and its specialcorrugated membrane structure with hydrophilic coating, the exhaust airflow from the servers is not impaired. The unit can be swung away fromthe rack in the same way as a ventilated rear door. The opening angle ofthe unit is 130°, also in combinations with several units in a suite.The IT components installed in the IT rack use their own fans to routethe warm air flow to the air/water hybrid heat exchanger. The heat fromthe warm exhaust air flow from the IT components is dissipated by way ofthe air/water hybrid heat exchanger. No additional fans are required onthe unit for the cooling of the IT components. The air/water hybrid heatexchanger results in a minimal pressure loss over the IT components. Tofurther reduce the pressure loss on the air side, additional air baffleplates are provided for installation in the roof and floor areas in the600 mm wide IT rack. The air ba

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